
Published September 26, 2006
I had a weird experience this afternoon.

First of all, some context - my sleep schedule has gotten totally out of whack lately and I don't know why. So I was asleep this afternoon, pretty much from 1 PM to around 10:30 PM.

At one point, I woke up - not just the sort of idle "mmmmfh, Imwake, goway" sort of waking that normally happens in the middle of sleep. I was bolt-upright, adrenaline-surging awake. Not the kind of "holy shit that was the scariest dream ever" kind of awake, but a truly bizarre thing. A sort of "it all makes sense now" awake.

Apparently, in my sleep, I discovered the secrets to all life.

I lay back on my pillow (ok, sofa cushion) and pondered, grinning like a fool at the ceiling, heart pounding in excitement. Everything was crystalline. I understood - no mere comprehension or recognition, but true, deep, oneness. My mind was unified with all truth. I grokked everything as deeply as one may grok.

More importantly, though, I understood how to communicate this astounding truth. I knew, deeply and intuitively, precisely what to say to share my newfound enlightenment with all of mankind. I lay on the sofa, composing long strains of elegant prose, weaving words and making linguistic magic. Before I fell back asleep, I had written vast tracts of perfect words, an immaculate construction that would revolutionize the way people see our world.

When I woke up again, I couldn't remember a damn bit of it.

Worse yet, I can't remember what I ate just before I went to bed, so I can't even try and replicate it tomorrow. I suspect the tuna salad is to blame, but I can't be sure.
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Trapper Zoid
There goes your one shot at the Nobel Peace prize.

Not to mention that million copy bestseller self help book.

September 26, 2006 03:46 AM
Damn, I was hoping for an answer...

Anywhoo, that sounds like a great beginning of an adventure/RPG/puzzle game. You walk around the world chatting with people. They need answers and you somehow know where to find the answers...

Unfortunately, you keep forgetting, but there is always something that sparks your memory. Everything has a different way of sparking your memory. One way is that you have a companion with you that smacks you on the head to remind you of something. Another way would be to sleep or get bit by a dog or, etc..

Just brainstorming here :P
September 26, 2006 07:27 AM
Sounds a lot like PS:T.

Which reminds me, I really need to finish that game.
September 26, 2006 08:41 AM
Quote: Original post by ApochPiQ
Sounds a lot like PS:T.

Which reminds me, I really need to finish that game.

Wow, me too. I think I'm nearing the end, but I don't remember.
September 26, 2006 10:17 PM
You found creation.
Quote: Original post by Programmer16
Quote: Original post by ApochPiQ
Sounds a lot like PS:T.

Which reminds me, I really need to finish that game.

Wow, me too. I think I'm nearing the end, but I don't remember.

damn men, me too. im in the middle though.
September 28, 2006 01:00 AM
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