OCD progress

Published April 17, 2008
I finally sorted out the combination of connections needed to get the on-chip debugger working for the microcontroller. I have no idea what I'm doing differently now than before, but I can run the IDE and step through code in the ROM at will.

This means that I finally have some serious potential for developing on the chip... which in turn means I really have to get off my ass and find a good project to use it for.

In the meantime, here's what I promised last time - a shot of the IDE for the NEC V850 microcontroller:

Let there be light! From the little debug test LEDs!

The test board for the MCU contains two status indicator LEDs, which are controlled by registers on the chip itself. The sample program that came with the test kit simply blinked them on and off; I modified it to have them count to 3 in binary.

I'm still interested in trying to drive the old Sharp LCD I have with the MCU; the only problem is actually physically connecting the two. The pinout from the LCD is extremely tiny, and I don't have the equipment or the steady hands required to solder it up to anything. I've been considering having a custom electronics place fab me up a little adapter board that converts the miniscule 28-pin ribbon into a larger pin grid so I can actually work with it.

In any case, the real next challenge is going to be figuring out how to output meaningful signals from the MCU. Nifty little blinky lights are one thing, but actual data is just a tad bit more complex.

If and when I come up with a good next step, I'll be sure to post details.
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