
Published July 31, 2008
OK, so just out of curiousity, has anyone actually downloaded the Epoch VM yet, or am I just spitting into the wind here? [grin]

Speaking of Epoch, I've added a rudimentary integration between the VM and external C DLLs. With a couple of minor additions, Epoch programs will be able to call directly into external APIs, including Win32. This means that the next phase of the project will be to write a simple Win32 program in Epoch - something like the ubiquitous Scribble application or whatnot. Included in this phase will be refinements to the syntax error parsing and whatever other additions I need to make to get things flowing smoothly.

Anyways, work calls, so all that is likely to be in the future by a fair amount.
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I've downloaded it.

Started trying to build it in VS2005 Express... Didn't have the platform SDK, so downloaded it. Now realise I need boost :P

Can you post a list of dependencies?
July 31, 2008 02:32 PM
Heh, didn't even think about that...

The Platform SDK and boost should be all you need.
July 31, 2008 02:50 PM
Seems to work fine. I might try make a slightly different program tomorrow when I have time. Till then though, congrats on getting it to work!
July 31, 2008 04:52 PM
Planning to download it and have a play, but my internet is capped for exceeding our bandwidth allowance for the month, should be running at a reasonable speed again for the new month by tomorrow.
July 31, 2008 11:21 PM
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