Epoch Release 2

Published August 05, 2008
The Epoch VM is finally in decent shape again after some fairly major additions. As such, I think it's time for another release.

Major points of interest:
  • This release now includes binaries if you don't want to build from sources

  • External DLLs can be called now using the external keyword

  • Functions can pass and return values

  • A couple of new operations are added (go find them for bonus cookies)

Get your claws on the juicy goodness (134 KB)

This release isn't particularly earth-shattering, but it does extend the language from a minor toy to a workable system capable of real software development. Of course, the UI support is still pretty limited, and without support for structures most of the Win32 API is inaccessible. But that will all change in due time.
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What does pass in "Functions can pass and return values" mean? Im not quite clear does it mean accept?
August 05, 2008 05:59 AM
Ugh, I was really tired when I wrote that [lol]

Yes, I meant functions can accept and return values. The syntax is demonstrated in the functions.epoch sample program provided in the distribution.
August 05, 2008 08:06 AM
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