Combat Training for Weekend Warriors

Published February 28, 2009
Since I actually managed to roll out of bed at a reasonable hour on this fine Saturday, I figured I'd put in a couple hours on the Epoch project.

So far most of my effort has been focused on the Exegen linker - specifically the resource compiler portion. It's relatively straightforward, but everything must be perfect down to the byte or things will choke. When I'm finished we should have a very nice system for embedding resources in Epoch EXEs - but it's looking like it will take a while to get it done.

My big push on resources (icons, menus, dialog boxes, etc.) is motivated by the development of Era, the Epoch IDE. In order to hit my personal goal of having a solid release ready for GDC, I need a decent IDE. In order to have a decent IDE, I need resources to be working. Therefore... I am spending a huge amount of time with hex editors and resource hacking tools.

It's not all bad - in fact a lot of it is fascinating as it offers a peek into the internals of Windows and tends to reveal lots of little historical tidbits. On the whole it's a pretty good project, even if it does get tedious and slow every now and then.

Sadly, while I have accomplished quite a bit lately, the R6 task list is insisting on getting longer rather than shorter. I'm more or less resigned to not having a stable R6 ready at GDC, but I do want to at least get the unstable fork to a very solid position so people can play around with the language and tools.

I'll be back in and out of journal land over the weekend; stay tuned for yet more mountains of uninteresting drivel!
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Keep up the good work! [smile]
February 28, 2009 02:26 PM
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