Celebration time...

Published March 17, 2009
I finally got a lockless FIFO implemented for passing messages between Epoch tasks. Like most lockless code, it works by the skin of its teeth, and a little dose or two of pure luck.

Here's the final code for those interested:
class LocklessMailbox{public:	//	// Construct and initialize the read and write stacks	//	LocklessMailbox()	{		std::auto_ptr wh(new Node);		std::auto_ptr rh(new Node);		WriteHead = wh.get();		WriteHead->Next = NULL;		WriteHead->Payload = NULL;		ReadHead = rh.get();		ReadHead->Next = NULL;		ReadHead->Payload = NULL;		wh.release();		rh.release();	}	//	// Clean up the read, write, and cache stacks, freeing any	// remaining messages from each stack.	//	~LocklessMailbox()	{		Release();	}public:	//	// Register a message from a producer thread. Any number of threads	// may call this function.	//	void AddMessage(MessageInfo* info)	{		Node* msgnode = new Node;		msgnode->Payload = info;		Node* oldval;		Node* newval;		Node* retval;		do		{			msgnode->Next = WriteHead;			__asm mfence;			oldval = msgnode->Next;			newval = msgnode;			Node** fieldaddr = &(WriteHead);			_asm			{				mfence				mov eax, oldval				mov ecx, newval				mov edx, dword ptr [fieldaddr]				lock cmpxchg dword ptr[edx], ecx				mov retval, eax				mfence			}		}		while(retval != oldval);	}	//	// Retrieve a message from the mailbox.	// IMPORTANT: only ONE consumer thread (per mailbox) should call this function	//	MessageInfo* GetMessage()	{		if(!PendingReads.empty())		{			Node* readnode = PendingReads.top();			MessageInfo* payload = readnode->Payload;			delete readnode;			PendingReads.pop();			return payload;		}		if(ReadHead->Next == NULL)			SwapReadAndWrite();		Node* n = ReadHead;		while(ReadHead->Next)		{			PendingReads.push(n);			n = n->Next;			ReadHead = n;		}		if(PendingReads.empty())			return NULL;		Node* readnode = PendingReads.top();		MessageInfo* payload = readnode->Payload;		delete readnode;		PendingReads.pop();		return payload;	}private:	//	// Internal helper for swapping the read/write stacks	// See class comment for details	//	void SwapReadAndWrite()	{		Node* oldval;		Node* newval;		Node* retval;		Node* swappedreadhead;		do		{			swappedreadhead = WriteHead;			__asm mfence;			oldval = swappedreadhead;			newval = ReadHead;			Node** fieldaddr = &(WriteHead);			_asm			{				mfence				mov eax, oldval				mov ecx, newval				mov edx, dword ptr [fieldaddr]				lock cmpxchg dword ptr[edx], ecx				mov retval, eax				mfence			}		}		while(retval != oldval);		ReadHead = swappedreadhead;	}	//	// Release the mailbox and free any remaining messages	//	void Release()	{		for(std::stack::container_type::iterator iter = PendingReads.c.begin(); iter != PendingReads.c.end(); ++iter)		{			delete (*iter)->Payload;			delete *iter;		}		Node* n = WriteHead;		while(n)		{			delete n->Payload;			Node* nextn = n->Next;			delete n;			n = nextn;		}		n = ReadHead;		while(n)		{			delete n->Payload;			Node* nextn = n->Next;			delete n;			n = nextn;		} 	}private:	struct Node	{		Node* Next;		MessageInfo* Payload;	};	Node* WriteHead;	Node* ReadHead;	std::stack PendingReads;};

(And if you happen to catch a bug, let me know; I'm banking pretty heavily on this code.)

So that takes care of all the big-ticket items on my list for the GDC release; all I have left to do is some thorough code cleanup, some documentation, and then put together the sales pitch documents.

Overall I'm very happy with this release; as usual it's a huge step beyond the previous release, and I already have a sketched-out roadmap for R7 that'll be even cooler.

Right... back to work [grin]
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I've been following your Epoch work lately and it is all quite interesting.
In looking at your code, it seems to me that each thread would have it's own LocklessMailbox? Pretty nice class setup here. I've actually been getting started on a multithreaded game engine recently and have been trying to figure out how to set up a messaging system across all threads that didn't slow the rest of the engine down. My ideas always centered around having a single Messaging component for all threads to access. That, along with my lack of understanding of basic threading concepts, is probably why I wasn't able to write a good messaging class.

Keep up the good work, and congrats on the GDC 2009 release of Epoch!
-Wynter Woods
March 22, 2009 02:58 PM
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