Updates, of various kinds

Published January 30, 2010
Well, it's obviously getting real close to the end of January, and Epoch Release 8 is still obviously not here.

I had really hoped not to slip the schedule on this one, but other commitments have come up, and I just haven't had the time I'd like to pour into it. I still do plan to finish it up as quickly as I can, and start working on the GDC preview release; but that may take a few extra days. The tasklist is pretty much as it was before, although I've made steady progress in a couple of areas.

In any case, interest seems to have died off again on the project, so there's probably nobody out there getting all heart-broken about missing a release [grin]
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Don't worry, there might be more people following your progress than you think.
January 30, 2010 04:54 PM
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