GDC 2010 Postmortem

Published March 18, 2010
As is customary post-GDC, I'm here to brain-dump my thoughts about the year's conference and generally regroup and strategize for next year.

I can sum up this year's key learnings in one simple nugget of wisdom:

Don't get sick.

Seriously, staggering around leaking brain lubricant and hacking up odd fluids is no way to experience San Francisco's premier game development event. If you're going to be all lame and contract a respiratory infection, do that shit at home, man... don't waste your time and cash flying all the way out to the west coast just so you can lay around and feel like death.

I'll be working hard on getting that lesson through my constricted brain cells in time for next year.

Also, when you book your flight home, make sure you leave on the right day. Nothing sucks like showing up at the airport and finding out you're 24 hours early... with no hotel to return to, nobody else left in town, and no idea what to do in an airport for an entire day.
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Ah man I can't imagine... I was bored out of my skull being 2.5 hours early at the airport!
March 18, 2010 06:16 PM
Really? I would have figured that about 2.48 of those hours would have gone directly into sampling the local forms of alcohol...
March 18, 2010 11:53 PM
I probably should have now that you mention it :) But it would not be as good as if there was a CCP booth there!
March 19, 2010 04:20 PM
I don't think we'll ever top the CCP booth.

There was something evil and refreshing about taking beer from them while dodging all the recruiter staff.
March 19, 2010 05:01 PM
what?!? a day early to the airport! Man you should have called me or something about the hotel :P or at least taken the BART back to the city and checked your bags with the hotel valet staff (you could do it at the Marriott - they never check to make sure you're actually staying there) then you could have explored the city some more.
March 26, 2010 09:46 AM
I had the lovely good fortune to be on a flight at midnight, so by the time I made it to the airport and got all the mess figured out, it was too late to head back into town anyways. Since the night was shot at that point I just checked into a local motel and crashed, which ended up being more of a blessing than an annoyance given how sick I was at that point.

So it sort of worked out - but thanks anyways [smile]
March 26, 2010 03:30 PM
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