
Making a shareware living

Started by June 15, 2000 09:39 PM
12 comments, last by Inquisitor 24 years, 2 months ago
I''m just curious to know how many of GDNet''s visitors are actually making a living as indies. `~Inquis~`
Making a living doing what I enjoy doing? Yes.

Getting rich? Not yet.

Samu Games
I''m not quite that advanced to start selling things on-line but I''m looking into it. Yes you can make a living off of share ware, but getting rich is tough.

The main thing is, getting your product out the door and making sure someone will fork over $20 bucks for it. (I just threw that price in there )

Just don''t lose hope, keep going. The brick walls will come, but you have to put your head down and charge through them. There is a good book on all aspects of game developing, including shareware, I''m going through it for the second time actually. It''s called:
Game Design: Secret of the Sages

It''s an awesome book! You won''t be able to put it down!

Guardian Angel Interactive
Wow, thats wierd... I came to this board (I usually post in the General Game Programming section) to ask this very same question... Im considering quitting the rat race and develop games by myself or with a few buds. Is developing and distributing games via shareware feasable these days? I dont need to get rich right away, but can a person make say... atleast 30k a year with a decent game?
There is no spoon.
I''m not making a living yet. I have made a few games, but I and my team have chosen not to sell them because of quality. Our current project does have the quality, so look out in 2001.

Orpheum, are you currently employed in the game industry rat race, or a different rat race?
Just the rat race in general... I have an interview with Microsoft''s game division coming up tho. I was thinking that life would just be better in general (less stress, no commute, etc) to go indie.
There is no spoon.

I work as a gamedeveloper in Denmark (games for children).

But my private project is much more fun!!

-------------Ban KalvinB !
It''s too damn hard to get into the games (or programming in general) biz without a BS... Im thinking of going back to college.... (shit!!!)
There is no spoon.
There is a reason that it is difficult to "get into programming" without a degree.

Any employer who is going to invest in hiring you wants some assurance that you actually know what you are doing. Even though the projects you typically have to write for classes are not even close to being on the same scale as a commercial product, you tend to soak up a lot of general background information during the 4 (or 5, 6, 7 ... years that you are there.

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