
Making a shareware living

Started by June 15, 2000 09:39 PM
12 comments, last by Inquisitor 24 years, 2 months ago
They stop looking at your degree(s) if you have enough experience. I have 15+ and I''m a high school drop out. I didn''t (and couldn''t) work in Corporate Amaerica until I had 6+ years. Until that point I worked small Mom and Pop shops. I am now an independentant (contractor scum) and not even thinking of getting a degree (i''d need to go back to high school first )
D.V.Carpe Diem
I have an "honest" job that pays for food. We do the games more for fun. When you''re charging (sometimes) 10 bucks a pop, you don''t make money quick!
Well I finsihed high school, but Im still 25 credits away from an AS... Ive been programming for 2 years now and feel that I can handle commercial programming. I hit brick walls every now and then, but thats nothing MSDN or the good ole gdnet message boards cant cure. =) I just hate the thought of giving up my well paying corporate job to go back to school.... I worked full time and went to school for 4 years (which is why I still havent finished my damn degree) and Im not going to do it again. Maybe Ill work 20 hours at some bull shit job... its gonna hard to go from caviar to chile con carne. If only I had gotten into programming 5 years ago............ I was interrested, but I didnt have a compiler and my parents wouldnt schuck out the $$$ for one. I lost my modem for DLing porn so I couldnt DL DJGPP (or know about it). owell.......... looks like school here I come =(
There is no spoon.

well, iam wondering this, im planning on attednign full sail in one or two years,

anyone think going shareware during 2 year (with bundle games done every 3-4) can support my education ther e? (basicly $40k)
It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.

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