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To Paul Cunningham

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45 comments, last by DarkMage139 23 years, 11 months ago
Sort of on the original subject (not the philosophy about the universe, although that was fun)

Niphty, see what your lawyer thinks of the use of Contractors, people who have to take care of their own income taxes and benefits. Contract employees might help with the fees problem.

quote: Original post by Niphty

he problem with virtual, Landfish, is paying someone overseas. In order to pay someone there, you must be allowed to exist there. That means you have to pay fees to be there. If you notice, that''s why companies offer packages to transfer to somewhere instead of paying you elsewhere. It costs to become a company in each and every state and to have people you pay in that state. You have to pay unemployment for that state, taxes, everything. It goes the same with international. I''m looking for a way to get around that, by simply making it so they''re technically working here, but living abroad and telecommuting to


The Sandman

When the least they could do to you was everything,
then the most they could do to you suddenly held no terror.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
-- The Sandman-----------------------------------------------------------When the least they could do to you was everything, then the most they could do to you suddenly held no terror. -- (Terry Pratchett, Small Gods)
Going back to scientific discussion...

If the universe reached zero kelvin, will it really cease to exist? wouldn''t it just die, but not be destroyed?

For instance, what if Earth suddenly reached absolute zero. All it means is that we''ll run out energy. No movement. We''ll just be frozen, but not necessarily destroyed, right?

So "absolute zero" won''t destroy you, but you won''t be doing anything for a while.

- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
- DarkMage139
You want to here something else i''ve been thinking about...

How the big bang occured. Here''s a theory.

Matter and Anti Matter are naturally a bonded pair. When they are bonded nothing occurs, there just that, Bonded. But when you divide them watch out, BOOM! hence big bang equals collision of matter and anti matter. So what made them divide is a clue as to what exists outside of the universe.

WE are their,
"Sons of the Free"
If you hit absolute 0, all matter would stop moving, so to you.. life would cease to exist, either way.

As far as in a black hole. No, we''re not. If we were, our universe would hafta be one hella cool thing to expand in it.

Microwaves at the edge of the universe? interesting, but that could just be matter we can''t see expanding outwards Always a possiblitiy.. hehe.

Uhmm.. there''s an interesting interdimensional/parrallel universe theory where we''re all touching on all sides and every point of contact is another universe. Meaning there''s infinate ones since the surface of a true sphere is infinate.. Also.. we expand to create room for more universes to connect to us.. since every passing second spawns an infinate number of "what if.." scenerios. Somewhere, in some other universe, i''m done typing this because i didn''t make so many typos.. hehe
It''s a very interesting thought.. infinate possibilities for infinate ammounts of small time.. hehe That means we''d hafta grow very fast. But since we can''t tell how many points of contact a sphere has.. well, we hafta assume infinate, although i believe it''s finite in a way we can''t yet explain. Just like gravity is wrong.. but i can''t prove that yet, give me a couple more years to get rich so i can fund my projects.. hehe.
This BTW shows something.. my real passion is engineering, and creating and tearing appart. It also means i''m good at programming and making games. But if i had money to do anything, i wouldn''t be here.

Here''s my crazy crackpot idea:

I think that since everything exploded from a single point according to the big
bang theory, and everthing converges to a single point with black holes, then
they must have something in common. In fact, I think that the big bang was the
result of a black hole collapsing onto itself. So right now we have the universe
continuously expanding. And I think it will continue to expand forever. But over
time, I think black holes will eventually suck up everything, because everything
in the universe is attracted to something else.

So that would mean all we have left is black holes. But even black holes must
be attracted to each other, so one black hole is sucked up by another black hole
until we only have one black hole left. This one black hole then has nothing
else in the universe to suck up except itself, so it collapses and then another
big bang repeats itself.

A black hole hmmm...
That''s not a crackpot idea.Actually i''ve heard it somewhere else before but i can''t remember where...


The essence of everything we know is having to do with mass and energy.Mass can be turned to energy and vise versa.

We know how to do these transfomation,we know how to convert one energy form to another,we know that the 4 main forces of the universe can be compined into one(the 2 nuclear,the electromagnetic and the gravity),but we don''t know who or what gave this energy to the universe.

And we will never will.

And that''s where God(s) lay.That''s the great mystery that will remain unsolved.

Because i can''t imagine that there was no time before the Big Bang(don''t forget modern physics say that time is created along with space and none can exist by its own).

And there are great mysteries that physic will never solve,mysteries where science is unable to give an answer,e.g. what laws of physics exist IN a black hole.The phrase "unknown physical laws" makes me wonder about the accuracy of our science.

Or it''s just this week''s heat wave here in Greece that makes me think weird stuff...

Well,i''ll just have to learn one day not to forget to type my password!
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
Last I heard, they figured out that:

The universe is expanding... however it is NOT slowing down,
it is actually speeding up.

I dunno about speeding up. There is supposed evidence now that says the Universe is actually flat (not bent like first thought) and so they say it will expand at a constant rate.

All messages are of my own personal opinion and
not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)

-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
What i''d like to know is, if a black hole is a rip in time/space then why don''t moving black holes leave a rip behind them.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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