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Landfish is off base! (aka bad design tendencies)

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7 comments, last by Shinkage 24 years ago
Yeah, you heard me, I totally and completely disagree with the essence of everything Landfish says! Now that I've said that, please allow me to justify myself. There is a current trend in the game development industry (and as a matter of fact every industry, but we won't get into that...) to do things JUST for the sake of doing them. Specifically, an abstract desire to make a work somehow "artistic". I find this desire to be counterproductive. When something is done--in any field of work--just for the sake of doing it, the end product seems to lose something. I could give a virtual cornucopia of examples, but I think perhaps I'll go for a rather obscure one, please stay with me... The Simpsons--at one time I would have chosen it as being not only the funniest, but also the most intelligent and literate of all shows on TV. There were a few seasons where nary an episode went by without various references to literature, poetry, movies, and God knows what else. Ah, but all good things come to an end. Recently they seem to have gotten new writers, new producers, and new I don't know what else, but the point is, they've lost something. Now every episode plays as being a PAINFULLY obvious attempt and BEING the Simpsons, but in doing so, absolutely and totally fails to be so. In my view, this can be traced to them making a point of certain things, just for the sake of those things. What you ask? Well, for instance, references to popular culture are put in just for the sake of referencing popular culture, and do not add ANYTHING to the overall work. Well, that's a lot of Simpsons talk (one of my favorite topics I'll have you know, but what, you might ask, is the point. Well, I see a very comparable tendency in the game development industry to try to add components to games, just for the sake of those components. Some examples? Trespasser attempted to implement an advanced system of physics just for the sake of having physics. What did it add to the game? Nothing. What did it take away from the game? Well, not only was it slow as molasses on the fastest systems of the time, but the physics system was almost impossible to manipulate. So now I make my plea. Please, don't just assume that because something seems to be abstractly "artistic" or "revolutionary", it will be fun. It could be that we're all stuck in a rut and just don't know how to revolutionize, or it could be that these formulas are simply tried and true to be fun. So why do I direct this post at Landfish? Because damnit, he's just too popular and going against the grain turns me on Edited by - Shinkage on 7/2/00 9:44:40 PM
whoohoo someone with a whit of sense!
Whatever. If there''s one thing I''ve been saying on these boards, it''s "think before you put something in your games for no reason." Is that bad design? Everything else I have said is just a matter of personal opinion, one that has nothing to do with the design process.

I''m getting tired of people lashing out at what I say because they feel they have to. If you read my posts, you''ll see that I generally agree with what you''ve said in this one. I think that if you dilude yourself into thinking you''re making anything more than a video game, you''ll make a pretty shitty video game. I don''t think I''m setting out to make the next Citizen Kane or anything that stupid.

Bottom line, though, stories are stories. What makes a good story never changes.

Jeezus, reading this post, I feel like you haven''t listened to a freaking word that I''ve said. Please, next time you''re going to badmouth me in your title, get some ammunition, kid.

MODERATOR: Close this post after he responds. Any good design advice (including that which is contrary to my own) can fit very easily in any other thread, without being offensive. Thank you.
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
Hey, slow down.

I think he does have a point. Sometimes you do sound a bit like the artist, doing "good design" for it´s own sake.

Maybe it´s not you but sometimes i feel that the whole RPG thing has gotten a bit out of hand, with good-doers on every corner trying to make everything RIGHT. And right not for the players to have fun and be entertained but "right" as the ultimate goal (cf. "What do we expect of RPG players" or something like that).

And your reply does strike me as a bit odd, as you yourself have done some pretty off-stuff (cf. no more RPGs). And have said pretty much everything on the topic of rpg.
Even IF he is wrong it´s not called for to lash out like that. Just because you have a lot of supporters around here doesn´t give you the right to flame away like that. And please excuse us mere mortals for not reading every single one of your posts.

MODERATOR: please leave this thread open for a while longer. Although it may seem that this is a personal thing between Shinkage and Landfish the original poster has stated a valid point of view on a design subject, and that DOES belong here.

And in my opinion it is not fair for anyone to call upon the moderators to close threads that contain unwelcome (or even unwarranted and unfair) criticism.

And it also raises the question of how much information a member is expected to have. In order to criticise a mentioned idea must one have read every thread on the topic? Or just the topics of the past month? past week? Is it necessary to have made an improvement yourself before you are allowed to criticise? ...´

Looking forward to see more here..
I agree with Landfish, close the post, it has no reason for being here.
The poster obviously hasn''t paid any attention to the many threads that Landfish has participated in, and is attacking LandFish for the VERY thing that he has been advocating all along.

It''s completely off the ball.

Give me one more medicated peaceful moment..
~ (V)^|) |<é!t|-| ~
ERROR: Your beta-version of Life1.0 has expired. Please upgrade to the full version. All important social functions will be disabled from now on.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
Not agreeing or dis-agreeing with the original post, mine is more of an observation of the whole thread.

I am pretty disgusted at how Landfish responds to some criticism weither it be valid or invalid.

Everyday people have comments on all things about ourselves. If we don''t listen and evaluate each and every we don''t learn/evolve. Learn to take criticism without insulting back. Its easy to start a flame war, lot harder to just read, evaluate and ignore if not valid.

All messages are of my own personal opinion and
not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)

-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
quote: Original post by Neuro

I am pretty disgusted at how Landfish responds to some criticism weither it be valid or invalid.


I understand where you're coming from.
However, I think that BASELESS criticism is not something you should ignore. It's a very dangerous precedent.
That's why I'm on Landfish's side in this one.

Give me one more medicated peaceful moment..
~ (V)^/) /<é!t/-/ ~
ERROR: Your beta-version of Life1.0 has expired. Please upgrade to the full version. All important social functions will be disabled from now on.

Edited by - MadKeithV on July 3, 2000 9:02:56 AM
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I love this beautiful irony. Landfish has made a repetitious point to simply carefully analyze every creative decision in the process of game design. So many keep accusing him of doing the exact opposite because they''re so busy trying to just oppose him. It is sort of funny really.

Landfish, you should chill a little..although I understand the frustration.

Although, Shinkage does like The Simpsons. It''s hard to disagree with someone who has such great taste in television shows

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." --William Blake
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Well, THIS thread certainly got off on the wrong foot, and it probably is impossible to turn back...

Shinkage: As MadKeith said, it was BASELESS criticism. I wouldn''t even call it that, it was a baseless ATTACK. You seem to disagree with the way Landfish looks at game design, but instead of commenting, you argued. On the other hand, your post was not totally out-of-line, and wasn''t neccessarily asking for a flame-war--but it wasn''t asking for a "kindly" response, either.

Landfish: For the most part I try to stick with you, because we''ve had some interesting discussions on game design and I think you can be a refreshing mind in this forum. BUT, your response to this post was less eloquent and more thoughtless than usual. I''m disappointed in that.

To All Other Potential Landfish Opposers: How about next time instead of titling a subject "Landfish is off base!" you should make it a little more open to everyone, as opposed to targeting a single person. Shinkage could easily have said what was on his mind without making it a direct attack at Landfish. It would have likely been inviting to more posters, and thus would have been more productive (and wasn''t your whole point, Shinkage, AGAINST counterproductivity?).

Hopefully we can just end this thread now and forget about it.

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