
SF RPG: Hyperspace exploration

Started by December 21, 2000 08:48 PM
20 comments, last by Wavinator 23 years, 8 months ago
Wavinator, with the story of the bad rep player, dropping from HS (HyperSpace) because he got damaged and his HyperSheidie thingy broke, he would be in a bad situation, which wouldn''t happen if he was good and liked by everyone, sticking to the known galaxy. This would deter players from seizing the chance to take over new plaents (if possible) so here is my idea to get around it.

Maybe have an option to join a cartel (gang) and have a hyperionic transmitter (somthing that sendsmessages thru hyperspace) and message the rest of his gang, to arrange a pick up. or parts delivery.

or even, a smaller HS enabled ship to be used as a escape pod to pick up parts for the big ship.

Maybe, here is a crazy idea, allow them to have spare bits and peices stored for repairs.
quote: Original post by Pelel

Wavinator, with the story of the bad rep player, dropping from HS (HyperSpace) because he got damaged and his HyperSheidie thingy broke, he would be in a bad situation, which wouldn''t happen if he was good and liked by everyone, sticking to the known galaxy. This would deter players from seizing the chance to take over new plaents (if possible) so here is my idea to get around it.

Yes, good point. (it definitely will be possible to conquer or extort colonies, btw)

Maybe have an option to join a cartel (gang) and have a hyperionic transmitter (somthing that sendsmessages thru hyperspace) and message the rest of his gang, to arrange a pick up. or parts delivery.

or even, a smaller HS enabled ship to be used as a escape pod to pick up parts for the big ship.

Very cool. I was actually thinking of this tonight, and how there''s no communication between stars. But as you''re talking about, why can''t there be messenger drones or couriers?

The trouble comes from actually getting this to work with the AI. If you send to a friendly, I could just make a rule that they send a tug.

Maybe, here is a crazy idea, allow them to have spare bits and peices stored for repairs.

Not crazy at all, and already planned. If you carry backup parts and repair minerals then the skill of your engineer determines how long you''re stranded. So even a bad rep player can prepare.


Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...

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