
Game Design Technology

Started by February 15, 2001 04:13 AM
1 comment, last by Paul Cunningham 23 years, 7 months ago
I''ve just been thinking about the way industries get respect from the public eye. This being that an industry obviously is providing something to the progression of society. One thing that the CG industry has given to the world is Virtual Reality, this technology can be applied to many fields. But on the issue of game design and what we can offer the world i''d was wondering what innovations we have to offer. If we put our minds to it we can and have assisted education. But is there other things you''ve thought of. It doesn''t matter how stupid or crazy these maybe i would like to know. Anyone? A designer doesnt need to know everything about code, they just have to have an appreciation for its limitations and how those limitations affect features they may wish to include in their design. - Drew
Well, I think the most obvious carry-over from gaming is AI technology...while a fair amount of game AI still seems to resort to a basic "if x happens, do y," more and more of it seems to be able to learn and better react. In the quest for better entertaining players, basic AI frameworks may be passed along to other uses as well...

Just my $0.02...


Unable to register Reality...what''s wrong?
Dan Upton
Lead Designer
WolfHeart Software
WNDCLASSEX Reality;......Reality.lpfnWndProc=ComputerGames;......RegisterClassEx(&Reality);Unable to register Reality...what's wrong?---------Dan Uptonhttp://0to1.org
Also, the game industry is a huge test bed for research that might not otherwise have an immediate practical use. University professors are excited to see what we do with graphic algorithms, and AI techniques, because we can find ways of short cutting that they may not have thought of. A lot of times, this is useless to them, but occasionally it gives them the insight they need to make the next big breakthrough.


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