
Portfolio Question.

Started by July 22, 2016 10:13 AM
1 comment, last by frob 8 years, 1 month ago

I don't mind working as a mobile game programmer at first, but my end goal is to be a console/pc game programmer. And I'm not sure if I should avoid mobile game developer job offers when looking for my first ever programmer job. Or is it alright?

And what do the employers want me to have as portfolio if I am aiming for console development? Having mobile games on the portfolio is ok?

How well is a game made with an engine (unity, unreal, etc) perceived? Is it required?

Right now I have as portfolio only 2 games made by teams but only me as the programmer (mostly):

-Rock, paper, sissors-like card game (2d). Made with Cocos2d-x/C++, for Android.

-Terraria-like but more construction based game (2d). Made with Cocos2d-x/C++, for Android.

What I am planning next is a 3d racing/rhythm game in DirectX 11/C++, from scratch for Windows. I have already made a working framework with deferred rendering and PBR.

But also planning to make a simple yet complete game with Unity/C# to show some versatility as a programmer. But not really sure about this.

I'd appreciate any suggestion, and any information regarding the topic. What other type of games should I make, using what kind of tools/engines, for which platform, etc.

And I should add that I live in Japan. But thinking about working abroad after some years into the industry.

Thank you in advance.

The supply of skilled entry level game programmers vastly exceeds the demand.

Every restriction you put on jobs (genre, platform, programming language, location) you will consider makes it harder to land that first position.


And what do the employers want me to have as portfolio if I am aiming for console development? Having mobile games on the portfolio is ok? How well is a game made with an engine (unity, unreal, etc) perceived? Is it required?

I want to see that you have experience making games. If I am searching for a specific technology I want to see that specific technology.

Every company has different needs, and every applicant has different skill sets.

Example 1) I may be looking for a programmer to work on our public-facing web site, forums, and whatever else. First and foremost I want somebody comfortable working with CMS systems. Secondarily I may be looking for someone who uses our specific system, maybe that is WordPress, or Drupal, or whatever. If I don't see that person, I want someone who is good at PHP because that is the language those systems use. I may decide that if an applicant doesn't even meet that bar we won't consider them.

Example 2) I may be looking for a gameplay programmer. First and foremost I want someone who is comfortable building gameplay systems. Secondarily I may be looking for someone who knows a lot about using {engine}'s physics system. If I don't see either of those, I'll take someone who looks like a competent programmer in C++ and C#.

Example 3) If the employer is building a console game that leverages Unreal, and they're looking for someone particularly experienced with Unreal's content pipeline, and your skill set it that you are a general C++ programmer who has touched a few systems on Unreal, then you are a moderately strong candidate for that company. Not as strong as someone who has spent three years on Unreal's content pipeline, but better than someone who has been developing web games in JavaScript with Angular. So a moderately good chance of getting that job at that company.

Example 4) That exact same skill set of C++ programmer with Unreal experience is of no value to someone building web games using JavaScript games in Angular. Even though they could have all the skills wanted at some companies, there is almost zero chance of getting that job at that company because the skill sets don't match.

Got it?

Showcase what you know and what you have done. Some jobs may have a bad fit, other jobs may have a good fit. Both employer and worker will keep trying to find each other until getting the needs and skills to match.

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