
Money or passion?

Started by November 19, 2018 07:47 AM
8 comments, last by lougv22 5 years, 7 months ago

Greetings everyone!

For past couple of years, I've been learning to use Construct 3 to understand programming logic and how a game should be structured (in code). So far so good, the learning process has come into a situation, that I could actually start creating something "real". For now, I've been working as part of big or small teams, but this time it's just me.

I've been in the game industry for almost ten years now working as an artist, designer, project manager, and producer but never had a chance to do programming. Of course, I've been releasing games for mobile and PC and see the "both sides" of the industry. Now, when thinking what kind of a game should I personally make, I'm struggling to make the right decision. ... Why?

Game industry today is focusing more and more to mobile game development since that's where the money is. Of course, mobile is much more casual friendly, which in most cases means that the players are not seeking for "deep experiences" from the gameplay, it's more of a "something I can do while waiting for a bus" - a type of experience. PC gamers are the opposite, who seek deep experiences from their games and something, in which they can put hundreds or maybe thousands of hours of game time. 

I personally fit into the latter "focus group" and I'm always trying to seek that "one game" which I could dedicate my time to. I don't even know anyone, who plays casual mobile games, I personally don't play them and I have no idea what kind of person does so. So how could I be able to create entertaining casual mobile games, if I don't know anything about them and don't understand their player?

I've been trying a different kind of casual game mechanics, but end up being uninspired from them and keep on thinking of different PC games I could be creating. So the question is, should I just go with PC games and do what I'm personally interested, or try to follow "the money" to mobile?

What are your thoughts on this? When answering, stop for a moment and think that if you're supposed to make the living out of making games, what would be the best option and why? It's always easy to say "follow your dreams" and so forth, but in the end, it's not that simple. Or is it?

And hey, if you make games as well, join my game jam next weekend! It's 24th of this month and will last for 24 hours! Hope to see you jamming, have a great week!

8 hours ago, Kossad said:

should I just go with PC games and do what I'm personally interested, or try to follow "the money" to mobile?

If you can't understand mobile game fun, don't try to make mobile game fun. 

-- Tom Sloper --


Hello Kossad.

If you do go into the mobile market - bring your personal touch along with you!  Not every person with a mobile device is waiting for a bus.  They could be in hospital waiting a day or two for an operation and thus a mobile game with depth might be all that keeps them sane.  Candy Crush or Temple run is not going to cut it...but an adventure will.  So long as you engineer that game so it can be paused and resumed later with ease there is no reason you can't make a mobile game with depth.

The biggest challenge with mobile are the controls; touchscreen is simply useless for fast-paced action games requiring multiple button inputs.  Some games are just not suited to the mobile platform unless you have a bluetooth controller and Its at that point where a PC or console game makes a lot more sense...

Languages; C, Java. Platforms: Android, Oculus Go, ZX Spectrum, Megadrive.

Website: Mega-Gen Garage

i watch a documentary on notch and it was 22 minutes long and he said something in there that made me smile he said "do what ever make you happy" i you want more money just do mobile dev i guess and if you want to make your self happy make pc games


Hi Kossad! From my personal experience, I would suggest you follow your passion because eventually, it's all that matters. PC game industry is not a bad option regarding that all great games are introduced to PC, PS, and Xbox. So you can earn some good money in this sphere as well as gain great experience and do what you love.

If you're looking for a service that will help you dealing with homework, I would suggest This is a great resource that will do your homework on every subject.

Here's kind of my plan.  My passion is MMOs but recently I started to think about it, and I was considering using my game engine for a phone games since it's kind of specialized to support large worlds in a small memory.  Like you, phone games aren't my passion at all.  I never play them. However if I can make something that will use a large chunk of what I'm currently working on, and at the same time help support my MMO programming habit,  it might be a good way point for my final destination.

I guess in short, see if you can leverage your passion to bring in some side income along the way.


Hey everyone!

Thank you VERY MUCH for your answers. A lot of good points to consider.

I wanted to point out that my "ultimate plan" is not to make as much money as possible, it's more of how to get living out from it to be able to make more games full time.

What I've discovered, is that the actual development of mobile games is much faster than PC. But then comes the monetization, user acquisition and other stuff which for me, feels the stuff I can't find any interest in. So in the end, if you want to be successful on mobile, you just need to be interested in the stuff which are out from the "actual development". 

Of course for PC you need to consider marketing and how to get the word out, but this stuff does not affect the actual development that much. (Rather than trying to find trending game genres, features and so forth)

So my bottom line would be that if you want to "just make good games" you should focus on PC. If you're ALSO willing to jump into the "business side" you should go for mobile, since that's where the "money is". 

Thoughts on this?

By the way, if you use Discord you can hop into our community channel here: 

I like what @itachii said about Notch. With Stardew Valley it was the same thing. He took the faults he found as a consumer in games like Harvest moon and Rune Factory and simply made his game the "perfect" blend of both.
In my own searches for what your asking, one answer I got actually really hit home. "Make a game You want to make".

Making a game can be a LOT of effort so you want to set yourself up to succeed. You won't do that by making a game you don't like to work on. You'll just run into the wall so much sooner than if you make something you actually enjoy working on. Then the last 30-50% of the project will turn into a nightmare if you're doing it solely for the money. So to sum it up, try monetizing your passion.

Also keep in mind "You can't rush Art" ?

This is a great thread and there seems to be a pretty clear consensus about the direction you're taking so I'll let you figure the rest out.

God bless you and your project, and have a wonderful day!


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