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Programming: how to be "so good they can't ignore you"

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64 comments, last by JoeJ 2 years, 3 months ago

Excuse the stupid title. Steve Martin, the comedian, apparently said this at some point and there is a book about it (I can recommend). I don't remember exactly what was said in the book but it is something I often think of in relation to my career. If I just reach a certain level of expertise in my craft I would no longer have to have companies “take a chance on me" or reject my application early on because it is not readily apparent that I'm more fit for the task than any other application. So the question is how I can reach this level and how I can then convince other people.

I don't currently have a job in the games industry and I'm not 100% certain I want to pursue it long term but I want to be the one taking that decision and not having that decision be outside of my control because I am unable to get a job. Anyways, I'm a software developer with a few years experience. I've been into gamedev for maybe a bit over a year and I've prototyped stuff in the big engines, as well as done some OpenGL stuff. The couple of times I've gotten close to a job it has become apparent that my (perceived) skills were not enough.

I know there are many experienced devs on here and several who are taking part in evaluating candidates (from what I've gleaned). What would you say makes a candidate stand in the way “we have to hire this guy”?

The main thing I can think of is to have a bunch of stuff on Github. But for that to work the people hiring would have to spend time looking through a bunch of code which they likely don't have time to do. It seems it would have to be something visually striking or a repo with lots of stars for someone to be impressed.

Another thing I can think of is to run a blog and post some thoughts about software development in general along with discussing some problems. But that seems like quite a bit of extra work in comparison to just pushing to a git repo. And it also wouldn't necessarily give that much of an indication of my skill IMO as much as to my personality and written communication skills.

A third thing is to read a lot and maybe try to implement something. I guess this is what I've generally done in the past, but I rarely end up actually implementing the stuff I read about since it would take a lot of time and would in the end mostly be copy-pasting anyway.

A fourth way would be to create tutorials of course. I guess that would serve the double purpose of showing skills and could be a source of side income. But again that's a ton of work for something on the side.

That leaves what problems to actually work on. Let's say we limit it to gameplay and AI (and perhaps rendering), what would be good things to show off? Should I implement a bunch of generic gameplay systems? Should I create a complete but small game (this would obviously require skills outside of programming)? Should I use an engine like UE or should I create my own?

I guess I'll end it here. Just want to say that I realize doing anything of the above is better than doing nothing. It's just that my time is limited due to working full-time (and often overtime) that I would want get the most "bang for my buck" out of the time I have available. I could surely do all of the above but it would take me likely close to a decade of my free time so it seems like I should try to be smart about my time. I also realize that a candidate with previous gamedev experience would always be preferred over one without that experience. I do as well realize that no one would hire me unless I did well in the interviews, but I do believe that someone having this “wow-factor” from the start would be far more likely to actually get hired than someone, like me currently, who has little to show off.


Just keep working at it. That is what I did yes, I made small projects that focus on graphics. Not all of those projects were games, but some were.

@taby Fair enough. Do you know roughly how long/how many man hours it took you to get to a point where you were a top candidate for the jobs you wanted? And what kind of graphics projects did you focus on?

It depends on how many images you want to include with your resume. My projects tend to range from a few weeks, to a few months. If you work diligently for 4-8 hours a day, you should have a dozen or two images after one year of time. That's a lot of images.

It took me a good year or so to understand OpenGL. I also had a lot of help with this from JoeJ and others here.

@taby Nice, I think I've seen some of your work before. I looked at your github (through your profile). It says you're an artist, so I guess you are self-taught? If so, that's highly impressive.

What kinds of jobs were you able to get?

I think I could definitely do similar demos (doing as many as you have on your github would take me a while though). But I always felt that companies were looking for much more but maybe they just want to see something, anything. The response I got in my last application was basically that I lacked software design skills, which I know for sure is very far from the truth. So the experiences I've had have just made me confused as to what skills I'm lacking.

My Github repository count is a testament to how much I jump around from project to project LOL

Yes, I am self-taught in art and computer science. My knowledge has gaps though, compared to someone who has a degree from university.

Well, there is software programming and software design. Are you familiar with creating things like use-case scenarios, and database design?

I got my first professional programming stint after I wrote a small Windows network reporting tool that ran as a service. It required knowledge of sockets. If it's not fun, it should be at least useful. I had only been hardcore programming for a year or so at that point. So, it doesn't take long to develop something that can get your foot in the door. Just “winging it” is a big part of it too LOL

Right now I'm unemployed due to schizophrenia. I'm not certain I will ever get a job doing graphics programming. That's ok though. I love doing it so much that I don't mind doing it for free. I'm a bit of a socialist that way.

I also write papers. Most of them are garbage, but once in a while I make something good:


Keep writing papers on the things that you've researched, and submit them to publishers for review. It helps you crystallize your knowledge.

P.S. Show me your stuff!

taby said:

My Github repository count is a testament to how much I jump around from project to project LOL

Yes, I am self-taught in art and computer science. My knowledge has gaps though, compared to someone who has a degree from university.

Well, there is software programming and software design. Are you familiar with creating things like use-case scenarios, and database design?

I got my first professional programming stint after I wrote a small Windows network reporting tool that ran as a service. It required knowledge of sockets. If it's not fun, it should be at least useful. I had only been hardcore programming for a year or so at that point. So, it doesn't take long to develop something that can get your foot in the door. Just “winging it” is a big part of it too LOL

Ah right, yeah I'm talking specifically about getting a job in the gamedev industry (the ones I've been in contact with have been AAA so I guess that makes it a bit tougher as well). I wrote this in my wall of text above but I see how it would be easy to miss. I have a CS degree and I've worked 4 years as a software developer (in embedded and low-level languages which makes me think I should be able to transfer easily to gamedev). I care a lot about about software design; I've read a few books on it and try to write maintainable code. I'm quite familiar with user stories. Not the best at database design but databases are not often used in real-time software, and when I've had to use them it hasn't been that much of an issue.

For these reasons I'm asking what direction I can go in to make hiring me an obvious decision for a gamedev company.

Well, graphics, graphics, graphics then. ?

Make them drool a bit.

taby said:

P.S. Show me your stuff!

Yeah, I don't really have anything to show honestly. Most of the software I've written has been written for companies. I guess I've had some other stuff locally on my computer but I don't think anything is worthwhile to share.

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