
LILO won't load!

Started by February 20, 2002 05:51 PM
6 comments, last by vbisme 22 years, 6 months ago
I can''t get LILO to load even if I repartition the /boot portion below the 1024 cylinder mark. It keep giving the the same error as being above the mark. Can someone help?
You should give us more info. You are like a patient who only says to the doctor" I''m sick". He should at least tell the doctor if it is a headache or syphillis
So, What is your motharboard ( is your BIOS old ? ), what Linux distro are you using ?
More important, are you using fdisk to format ( like real men should do ) or some graphical partitioning tool: I had the same kind of problem while using Diskdruid.
Using fdisk is more difficult ( not too much ) bur gives you more control during the partitioning operation.

K7V BIOS 1008.
Red Hat 7.0
Partition Magic

Edited by - vbisme on February 21, 2002 1:06:00 PM
First, you shouldn''t have any problem with the BIOS, your mobo is quite recent.
I use Redhat 7.2 and create the following partitions:
/dev/hda1 600 MB fat32 C: created with fdisk windows version
/dev/hda2 32MB linux /boot
/dev/hda3 64MB Linux swap
/dev/hda4 extended
/dev/hda5 3GB fat32 D: logical unit use win fdisk
/dev/hda5 4GB /home logical unit
/dev/hda6 5GB / logical unit

After the Linux partitions are created you install Redhat and during installation edit each Linux partition to define the mounting point for each one
my setup is:

/boot 24MB Linux Native
125MB Linux Swap
/ 9.8GB Linux Native
18.6GB FAT32

I''m trying to dual boot Win2K and Linux, but can''t get Linux to boot without the boot disk. Windows boots up fine.

Don''t forget that wndows98 ( I don''t know about 2000 or XP ) should always be installed before Linux becauses windows behaves badly and overwrites info on the MBR.
After booting Linux from the diskette, as root enters the following command:
Every times you modify the /etc/lilo.conf file you have to enter that command to activate the changes made on that file.So if for any reason lilo was erased from the MBR that operation should reinstall it there
By the way, could you list a copy of your /etc/lilo.conf file?
I did install Win2K first. When I try to run the command lilo it again gives me the 1024 cylinder limit error.
quote: Original post by vbisme
I did install Win2K first. When I try to run the command lilo it again gives me the 1024 cylinder limit error.


Get the latest version of lilo and install it. Add "lba32" to the start of lilo.conf and rerun /sbin/lilo. That will get you past the 1024 cylinder limit.

Hello from my world

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