Wrong fullscreen resolution

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1 comment, last by Brother Bob 13 years, 7 months ago
I have PC and netbook. Their screen resolutions are 1600х900 and 1024x600. Of course, I cannot choose the onest resolution because of this error:

The Requested Fullscreen Mode Is Not Supported By Your Video Card. Use Windowed Mode Instead?

How to solve this problem? DirectX even allows to see all the possible resolutions.
Quote:Original post by Gargolev

How to solve this problem?

1) use windowed mode
2) user a different resolution supported by your video card
3) get a different video card
You can use the desktop resolution as the size of your window. If I remember correct, you can query the desktop size with GetSystemMetrics and SM_C[X/Y]FULLSCREEN, and then use that resolution for your fullscreen window.

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