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Landfishian Literature

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39 comments, last by SonicSilcion 23 years, 11 months ago
Being hardly anything of a vet in Landfishian debates, I''m just popping in my word to say that although some people blindly go to break every rule just because they can, I think Landfish deserves a little bit of credit for his actual ability to formulate a defense for his blatant (and good) thinking outside the common loop.

Anyone who simply opposes him for the sake of it, or agrees just in case Landfish is the next big thing should get stuffed. There won''t be a landfish forever and we can''t just go ahead and let someone else do all the thinking for us. If we did, then we''d all be using directx and windows products...

umm - crap. We need more landfish - uhh - what''s the plural of landfish?
You are all so strange with your Landfish worshipping...I mean, Warren Spector, okay, WARREN SPECTOR (!!!) writes an article, and you guys say "Hey, this bloke here wrote something that is almost as good as what Landfish said...wonder if he copied it from our great idol or can read his thoughts..."; that's really strange...


Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...

Edited by - Roderik on July 10, 2000 7:45:21 AM
--------------------------Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...
quote: Original post by Roderik

You are all so strange with your Landfish worshipping...I mean, Warren Spector, okay, WARREN SPECTOR (!!!) writes an article, and you guys say "Hey, this bloke here wrote something that is almost as good as what Landfish said..."

Well that''s an easy thing to answer, really.
1. Warren Spector is not god. He is with the company that released Daikatana for something''s sake! ( and don''t even THINK about defending Daikatana, even alien races would agree that it''s a thoroughly crap implementation of what could have been a good idea. )
2. LandFish is/was not god. ( see the similarity between W.S. and L.F. developing? )
3. Can we be sure that L.F. isn''t W.S.?

And onto the real point:
Landfish was important to the people that listened, because he opened our minds. We didn''t always agree ( hell, I sure didn''t ), but the way the discussions went was ALWAYS productive.
The fun part is, that all of the things that we had been throwing around at eachother, seem to have suddenly turned up ( in diluted form ) in an article by someone well-respected within the gaming community.
Logical conclusion: Either L.F. wasn''t entirely wrong, or they were both entirely wrong.

Another thing: TAFKALF ( The Anonymous Formerly Known As LandFish ) has posted in my threads a few times, without me knowing it was him, and it generated the same kinds of thoughtful discussions. It''s not the name, people, it''s the thoughts....

Give me one more medicated peaceful moment.
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It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
quote: Original post by Roderik

You are all so strange with your Landfish worshipping...I mean, Warren Spector, okay, WARREN SPECTOR (!!!) writes an article, and you guys say "Hey, this bloke here wrote something that is almost as good as what Landfish said...wonder if he copied it from our great idol or can read his thoughts..."; that's really strange...


Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...

Edited by - Roderik on July 10, 2000 7:45:21 AM

Yeah some people are going overboard, but I think it just comes down to Landfish having such solid ideas. When he presents a concept, it's not just some half-thought-out idea (like mine) it's very thouroughly thought out...

And, of course, the thoughts themselves are usually quite unusual. I think that's the appeal....

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." --William Blake

Edited by - Nazrix on July 10, 2000 1:18:53 PM
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Hey, I never said anything against Landfish, I totally agree that he says smart things and provoces good discussion and all.
Oh, and BTW, Warren Spectors article was published quite some time before L.F. came to these boards.


Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind
--------------------------Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...
Wow, I seem to generate controversy even in anonymity!

Ok, a few "official" statements. First, Landfish had never even heard of Warren Spector before reading that article. Chances are, Warren Spector has still never heard of Landfish. Any and all similarity between the two is simply in the theories they hold in common. I don''t think anyone actually believes that one ripped of the other... SonicSilicon was merely making the comment that the document read like something LF might have written.

#2. I really appreciate the ego-rub, but in cases like this I have to side with the people who say: "It;s not Landfish alone making these threads, it takes everyone on the board." All I''ve really done is ask questions, and then maybe I''ll defend my implications. Truth be told, I am a REALLY amatuer developer! I wouldn''t come here if it weren''t for the opinions of others!

So! Back to this monster thing... I''ve got to think that it would create more player/player rivalries, seeing as they will have nothing else to vent thier testosterone on. This would fit nicely with the no-death plan and others like it. You wanted to know how to create conflict? Don''t give them a common enemy and watch them pick themselves apart.

But we need to create other opportunities. Ideally, combat will be so risky it will be a last resort of the desperate (like reality!). There might be any degree of blackmail, social sabotage, hostage taking, non-lethal combat, seduction. These things would make a game VERY diverse in it''s gameplay. In order for this to be exploited to it''s fullest, we would need a complex interface, capable of setting tone, mood and body language... the same problem our friend Mr. Spector mentioned in his dissertation. (way to stay one topic!)

Any holes so far? I''m thinking I might (MIGHT!) start a new thread to deal with these interface problems... Still VERY interested in feedback.
I think that the fact that some of Spector's ideas seem to coincide w/ LF's simply means that LF's ideas were not so "out there", and probably tons of designers in the industry are thinking similar things. They're all seeing what the trends are out there in the industry,and why the trends are growing tired and overused.

They're all looking for solutions...that is all...

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." --William Blake

Edited by - Nazrix on July 11, 2000 11:17:27 AM
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Exactly...they are all looking for solutions...that''s exactly what I said. It''s just the fact that some people think Landfish is the only one who does it that disturbs me (and no, that''s no attack against LF, actually I agree on many things he said and basically I think he''s quite a smart fellow...)


Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...
--------------------------Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind...
quote: Original post by Roderik

Exactly...they are all looking for solutions...that''s exactly what I said. It''s just the fact that some people think Landfish is the only one who does it that disturbs me (and no, that''s no attack against LF, actually I agree on many things he said and basically I think he''s quite a smart fellow...)


Ghosts crowd the young child''s fragile eggshell mind...

yep, I agree wholeheartedly...

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." --William Blake
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
To be honest, I agree also. But I callenge you guys to look back at the incedents you are talking about. Can you tell me honestly that you percieved that someone really thought I was the only one who thought like this? Who? I don''t remember that! The only person who MIGHT be though guilty of that is SonicSilicon for the way he chose to introduce the article, but think about that. He was introducing an article by someone else with the same ideas, so there''s no way he would think it was my movement alone!

I think you are after a imaginary enemy. If I thought there were actually people toadying to me that badly, I would be off this board so fast!

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